Bohnert, Thomas Michael
twitter: tmbohnert
Adjunct Professor (Docent) bei Zurich University of Applied Sciences
Research Scientist bei University of Coimbra
Thomas Michael Bohnert is Adjunkt Professor (Docent) at Zurich University of Applied Sciences where he heads the InIT Cloud Computing Laboratory (ICCLab,
His interests are focused on enabling ICT infrastructures, coarsely ranging across mobile / cloud computing, service-oriented infrastructure, and carrier-grade service delivery (Telco + IT).
Prior to being appointed by ZHAW he was with SAP Research, SIEMENS Corporate Technology, and ran an IT consultancy named BNCS. He was a visiting scholar at Tampere University of Technology, NEC Network Research Labs, VTT Technical Research Centre, and Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications.
His works have been published in several books, journals, and conferences. He serves as regional correspondent (Europe) for the IEEE Communication Magazine’s news section (GCN).
He is the founder of the IEEE Broadband Wireless Access Workshop ( and holds several project and conference chairs. From 2009-1011 he was on the steering board of the European Technology Platform Net!Works.
Deep involvement in the design of the Future Internet Public-Private-Partnership led to the appointment as Deputy Chief Architect, presiding the FI-PPP Architecture Board and the FI-WARE project.