ABOUT – Digital Switzerland
Digital Switzerland – Initiative for a “smart” Switzerland
Digital Switzerland is a neutral and independent initiative for a smart Switzerland and promotes sustainably the digital economic development in Switzerland in favor of a prosperous national economy. Thanks to its high transparency and motivation it promotes the economic and social use of the opportunities that the digital revolution and transformation opened. Of these opportunities of “digital total care” all actors and sectors of our national economy benefit.
To the digital revolution and transformation belong a range of subjects such as trends and process design for a digital Switzerland (politics, e-economy, e-government, e-health, etc.); basic issues such as high-performance ICT infrastructure, networks, system and services; digital sovereignty, privacy, legal, security and protection; technologies and applications as well as the importance of the use and effect of ICT; perspectives and developments in the areas of cloud computing, big data analytics, mobile devices, social media and networks, internet of everything for authorities, business, society, education and research; digital lifestyles of individuals and society, in family and working life, in education and healthcare, politics, media, mobility, supply, environment, etc.