European Customer Experience Organization (ECXO)
Who we are?
We are an open-access community of leaders and organizations committed to working and evolving together to raise the collective customer and employee experience across Europe and beyond.
Here you is our website : and here you can become a member:
Our Vision:
We are working with a number of partners to help us build and develop the community at both a local, regional and global level. So, if you would like to discuss becoming an individual or corporate member, taking on the responsibility of shaping the future of customer experience in Europe and beyond or exploring media partner and sponsorship opportunities then do get in touch with us via the contact page as we would be delighted to hear from you.
Our Mission:
We believe this can be best achieved, in the first instance, through the creation of an online, open and free, professional, social network where members, stimulated by us all and curated experts and facilitated discussion, can work together to solve existing and future CX challenges in a practical and straight forward manner.
Over time and as conditions allow, we will evolve the online activity to include offline events, education programs and other ideas that are emerging. We would like also to hear your ideas.
Our Objectives:
- To create a community of leaders and organisations, operating in Europe, that are interested in improving their customers experience
- To share knowledge, best practice, insights, stories and lessons with a view to raising the collective customer and employee experience across Europe.
- To help businesses understand how they can generate growth by enhancing their customer and employee experience
- To promote the value of becoming a more human centric organizations and an understanding of how to achieve that
- To nurture a mindset of customer and employee excellence across European Community countries
- To improve the overall level of understanding and education in the domain of customer and employee experience through the provision of courses and learning initiatives.
Our Founder and founder members list: